Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Arrives. We're Still Standing

Finally, spring. Spring -- finally! I think its really here. I though it would never come. No, really, I thought it would never come. . . I've lived in Minnesota for five years now, and I've laughed when people from outside Minnesota have asked how I could live here -- "it's so cold!" I've found the winters to be generally one month too long but pleasant and kind of pretty. . . but . . this. . . was ridiculous. . . ridiculous. I don't know how more of it I could take.

Plus, both of the critics who saw opening night have come out with their reviews and both are relatively positive. Star Tribune and City Pages. Go check yourself. I don't feel like linking. Oddly they seemed to be in conflict with each other. One guy says it was heady play but didn't hit the heart. The other guy says that the key to the play is its heart. . . I think that's kind of fun. Wish Quinton had more space since he's one who can talk for a while if you let him, and I'd love to hear more details of what he was thinking. . . But I can't complain. i thought we were going to get shredded. I really did.

A credit to the actors and director I'd say. To pull that script through. Yippee. I feel like I survived something.

Tomorrow, we have the critic who I figured from the start wouldn't like the play cause its nonlinear. We'll see if I am proven wrong yet again. That would make me happy.

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