Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thirst: Round 2

Thirst: Round 2 is extended thru April 4. Round 3 begins on April 11.

My Mondays are busy forever, from now on, I guess.

Also, I've finally figured out a way of describing the Republican governing philosophy that makes sense. They appear to want less government in all political arenas, like the economy and how we regulate corporations, etc. Meanwhile they appear to want more government in all personal areas, like whether or not an individual husband is qualified to express his vegatative wife's wishes.

I'm sorry. I try to be fair and moderate and see all sides -- and I'm sure that some intelligent people could make some impassioned arguments about morality and the like -- but fundamentally, put simply (as our current President likes to do), I think this is the way a bunch of assholes behave. They're the same assholes who forced us all to endure endless talk of President Clinton's sex life. Clinton may have been a philanderer, but -- on a scale -- it's far far better than being a self-righteous, insensitive, manipulative asshole.