Monday, June 09, 2008

Stuck in my head like a itchy thing

Is there a congressman or woman from Ohio, Florida, or Virginia who is between 50-60 years old, who served in the military but wasn't a lifer, who left as a captain or a major at most, who has run or did run his own business, and who has been in in the house for at least ten-twelve years? Someone who works hard, who everyone respects, but who basically was never going to go any higher because he or she didn't feel like aiming for that brass ring. They'd rather serve their constituents, try to pass a few things, work hard, make serious contributions to the debate, fight some battles, be a good, humble public service without a huge amount of star power -- or at least an inability to leverage their image.

I suppose not but what do I know.

Because, let's say, Obama wants to excite Ohio. Does it matter whether its the Governor, or might be people get even more excited if its a real local favorite son (kind of like Obama was in the State Senate). Does it really matter if the person he chooses for vice president is famous by media standards since by the rest of the world's standards, they aren't famous. I can name the governor of Pennsylvania but can most people? I couldn't name the governor of Ohio until recently and the name keeps slipping out of my mind.

Pick a legislator like himself - someone who just did the work well until circumstances conspired and were conspired -- and by surprising everyone with an unknown (who is of course well-vetted) excite the bejesus out of everyone.

Thought of this a couple days ago and it kept coming back. recognizing its unimportance, I'm trying to exercise it here.

Also, I have to admit that I'm playing a little game with myself to see whether I can predict the vp choic ecorrectly. It's like how some people do crossword puzzles.

At the moment, I think McCain is going to pick Pawlenty.

And Obama I'm still confused about. But I think it would be cool if it was an obscure but highly-regarded man or woman from an important large state -- with a military and business background.

yup. ok. I'm going to bed now.

Good night.


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